About Us

There are two unrecognized voids in the reliability engineering body of knowledge and related engineering, risk and data analysis fields. This site is intended to be a repository for published papers and other material to expose these gaps in knowledge and to promote the use of these data analysis methodologies. One is PMF Series. An empirical data analysis method for probabilistic assessment of availability and capacity of repairable systems like manufacturing plants. The other is event interval analysis, often called failure time analysis by reliability engineers, for step change in rate of events. This site is hosted by Jan Smith, Senior Reliability Consultant

Jan Smith Bio

Jan B. Smith, PE, is a Reliability Engineering Consultant with a 57-year career in reliability. He has established and managed reliability departments within both major corporations and independent professional engineering firms. He has significant experience in root cause analysis and in applying finite element analysis to root cause. He has developed novel methods applying and statistics, probability, and Monte Carlo simulation for decisions under uncertainty related to reliability, availability and capacity of in-service repairable systems. Jan developed the analysis tools to aid the engineering and business decisions and with automation of the computer analysis methods approaching real time when analysis speed or volume so dictate. He has chaired conferences on reliability, authored technical papers on the subject, and has developed and taught in house and public seminars on root cause analysis. He is a registered Professional Engineer.